Virtual Learning Safeguarding Overview
Our engaging courses have been developed alongside subject matter experts and are aligned with relevant legislation and guidance.
Courses Overview
Duration: 1 hour
Vulnerability is a word most commonly associated with children, yet there are many conditions or circumstances that can make an adult vulnerable too. Age, mental health, disability, substance misuse and learning difficulties are just some of the factors that can make it difficult for a person to be entirely in control of their own personal care. In such situations, it is imperative that these vulnerable adults are appropriately safeguarded by responsible and well-trained care practitioners.
This Safeguarding Adults Level 2 course is aimed at those who work with, or who are likely to come into contact with at-risk adults. This Level 2 course explores current legislation, categories of abuse, the signs and symptoms to look out for and action to take should abuse be suspected.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
This Child Protection Level 3 (Scotland) course is designed for those working with children and / or their carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.
It addresses current legislation which underpins the foundation of child protection in Scotland and explores newer threats to children such as the internet and grooming. This course builds on their Child Protection Level 1 & 2 courses and follows the principle that competent, well-trained practitioners really do save lives.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
This Child Protection Level 3 course is designed for those working with children and / or their carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.
Duration: 1 hour
Building on their Level 1 foundation module, this Child Protection Level 2 (Scotland) course to provide comprehensive safeguarding information for staff who come into contact with children, young people and/or their parents or carers during their line of work in Scottish hospitals and communities.
Duration: 1 hour
This course explores identification of at-risk individuals and provides practical guidance on the steps that should be taken if you come into contact with a child who you believe has potential to fall victim to abuse, or who you suspect of being subject to abuse already. With the NSPCC reporting ever rising figures of child abuse year on year, it has never been so important to ensure that those with the ability to protect children are fully competent and well-trained in order to facilitate appropriate, and often life-saving, intervention.
Duration: 30 minutes
This Child Protection Level 1 (Scotland) course is designed for all non-clinical staff who work within healthcare and addresses current legislation surrounding child protection in Scotland. By creating an educated, competent and committed workforce of vigilant practitioners, we can stop vulnerable children from ‘slipping through the net’.
Duration: 30 minutes
This Child Protection Level One course is designed for all non-clinical staff who work within healthcare and addresses the legislation surrounding child protection. By creating an educated, competent and committed workforce of vigilant practitioners, we can stop vulnerable children from ‘slipping through the net’.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
There are a number of conditions and circumstances that may result in an adult being classed as ‘at-risk’. This might be age, mental health, disability, substance misuse or learning difficulties to name a few. When an adult is no longer fully in control of their personal care, they can become vulnerable to certain types of abuse, so it is imperative that these at-risk adults are appropriately identified and safeguarded by responsible and well-trained care practitioners.
This Safeguarding Adults Level 3 course is aimed at those who work with, or who are likely to come into contact with, vulnerable adults. It provides practical instruction on how to identify different types of abuse and abusers, and the actions to be taken should abuse be suspected. This course builds upon Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 2 course and is CPD accredited, equating to 3 CPD points.